The museum was founded in 1959, and currently, it keeps more than 70,000 cultural and historical, ethnographic objects and works of art. The museum offers the largest exposition of Latgale ceramics in Latvia and in the world. Here, one can learn about the history of the city and region as well as about features of Latgalian regions and local residents.
Find out more about Rezekne and Latgale at permanent expositions:
- “The effect of fire and clay transforms into a miracle”;
- “Rezekne at the turn of an age” – the history of the city in the 7th century;
- “Latgalian painting” – ways of art in Latgale from the 30th of the 20th century until now.
The museum offers to schoolchildren and groups of interested visitors as well as families with children a wide range of educational programs devoted to important subjects based on traditions, culture and history of Latgale from archaeology to art: “Way of life of ancient Latgalians”, “Secrets of the depth of the Earth”, “Adventures of a lump of clay”, “Fight for liberation in Latvia”, “Ancient games and toys”, “First time at the exhibition”, etc.
Atbrivosanas Alley 102
Winter season (1 September-31 May):
Tuesday-Saturday 10.00-18.00
Sunday, Monday – closed
Summer season (1 June-31 August):
Wednesday-Saturday 10.00-18.00
Sunday – 11.00-17.00
Monday, Tuesday – closed (available for groups with prior reservation)
+371 64622464