Spaziergang mit einem Audioführer

Wir laden Sie ein, die Stadt mit neuen Audioerzählungen zu entdecken, die sich in Bezug auf die Zugänglichkeit und den Informationsgehalt deutlich von den bestehenden unterscheiden. Es gibt 11 Erzählungen über die wichtigsten Wahrzeichen von Rēzekne, die die Geschichte der Stadt und verschiedene Ereignisse widerspiegeln. Jeder der in der Erzählung vorgestellten Orte ist mit einem Ständer mit QR-Codes versehen. Durch das Scannen mit einem Smartphone wird jeder automatisch zum Audioführer in der jeweiligen Sprache weitergeleitet.

Der neue Audioführer ist auf der Tourismus-Webseite der Stadt verfügbar und kann angehört werden, ohne die Webseite besuchen zu müssen. Das bedeutet, dass Sie keine Zeit mit der Registrierung auf der Webseite oder dem Herunterladen von Apps verlieren.  

Die Audioerzählungen sind in vier Sprachen verfügbar: Lettisch, Englisch, Russisch und Lettgallisch. Der Audioführer in lettgallischer Sprache ist ein besonderes Geschenk für die Einheimischen und ein „Aushängeschild“ für die Besucher, die das einzigartige Lettgallische immer wieder zu schätzen wissen, wenn sie kommen. 

Standort: Bei touristischen Attraktionen


Castle hill and Rositten castle ruins

The castle hill and and the ruins of Rēzekne Castle are the oldest witnesses of the city’s history. Due to its important strategic location, the fortress has survived various attacks and conquests during its history.

Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

It is the largest cathedral in the city, built in the late 19th century in the neo-Gothic style. The harsh history of the 20th century has spared the cathedral, leaving it without heavy damages and maintaining its original appearance.

The area of the Old Mill Bridge

It has always been a popular place for leisurely walks, and now with the development of the river promenade, more and more people can be seen spending their time here. The Lesščinski family owned a mill here, which was built by Gustav Lesščinski. It was the oldest mill in Rēzekne, built in 1858.

Rēzekne Green Synagogue

It is the oldest wooden building in Rēzekne (1845) and the only one of 11 synagogues that has survived up to the present time without major modifications.

Memorial Site of Latgale Congress Centenary

On May 5th, 2017, the memorial site in honor of the centenary of the First Latgale congress was inaugurated in the center of Rēzekne. The congress was held in Rēzekne in April, 1917, during which it was decided that Latgale should unite with other historical regions into a unitary Latvian state.

St. Nicholas Old Believers’ Preaching house

This is the largest wooden preaching house in Latgale. Its tower houses three bells cast in silver and copper, the largest of which is one of the heaviest bells in the Baltic States (4832 kg, the bell tongue – 200 kg).

The Embassy of Latgale GORS

This is the first high-quality acoustic concert hall built in Latvia since the restoration of independence. GORS is a place where the story of Latgale is created and told, here comes together cultural heritage, traditions, creativity, language, major world trends, art, culture, dance and song.

Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church

The construction of the church began in 1935, after the land in question was donated to the local Marian Congregation. It was built in neo-Romanesque style as a hall-type building with two towers and an accentuated entrance.

Monument “United for Latvia”/”Latgalian Māra”

The monument dedicated to the liberation of Latgale. “United for Latvia” or “Latgalian Māra” is a very important symbol for both Rēzekne and Latgale. Dedicated to the participants of the Latvian freedom fights of 1918-1920, the monument embodies the idea of freedom and unity of the Latvian state.

Orthodox Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is the oldest cathedral in the city, consecrated in 1846. The cathedral houses outstanding icons from the late 18th and early 20th centuries, made following the traditions of both Old Believer and Orthodox icon painting.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity

It is the only Lutheran church in the city, built in the 1930s. During the Soviet years, the 2nd floor was built to house a cinema rental office and a cinema screening room. The church was returned to the congregation in 1994 and since then renovation works have been carried out.