Observation tower at Ancupani (4 km from Rezekne)
A 28.5 meter observation tower is built at the Ancupani hill, from which Rezekne and its surroundings are observable.
When driving away from Rezekne along Riga Street, the tower is visible over tree tops. There are several road signs that will not allow a driver to lose his way, the first one can be seen immediately after the Rezekne city sign on the left at the crossroad. A wonderful place for walking in the forest, rest and picnics.
From 14 July 2023, the Ančupānu observation tower is closed to visitors for safety reasons. Sorry for any inconvenience!
The Ancupani Hill Memorial that spreads a strong emotional message is hidden in the forest and will impress with its grandeur and mightiness. In the centre of the memorial is the Mother Apple Tree monument (sculptor Rasa Kalnina-Grinberga (Rasa Kalniņa-Grīnberga)).